
On Saturday 7 May 2011 0 comments

classical conditioning:
a type of learning in which a neutral stimulus comes to bring about a response after it is paired with a stimulus that naturally brings that response.

Classical conditioning was discovered accidentally by Ivan Pavlov in 1904. He was noble prized for this work.
Classical conditioning is a pained process by which an animal responded to a neutral stimulus that before conditioning usually elicited no such response.
Explanation with example:
if for example a dog is presented with a stimulus BELL when some one ring the bell the dog does not show any response, i.e. without conditioning dog has no response to the bell. it doesn’t matter how much times one ring the bell. Therefore we call the bell as neutral stimulus. Now we introduce a new stimulus of food. Dog naturally response to salivate for the food. the salivation for food is natural or we can say it is inborn. Therefore we call the food as unconditioned stimulus and the salivation is unconditioned response. Because neither the response nor the stimulus was thought but these are inborn.
Next the dog is presented by a ringing of bell with food i.e. neutral stimulus + unconditioned stimulus. The dog salivates not because of the bell but because of the food. The process repeated for several times. Now the dog learned ie conditioned to the bell that when the bell rings i get food. so Now when the bell rings the dog response (salivate) to the hearing of bell even there is no food present. the response is now conditioned and called as conditioned response and the neutral stimulus the bell is now conditioned stimulus.


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